Home / Theme parks / The Dubai Miracle Garden

The Dubai Miracle Garden

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  • Price for adult
    45 $
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Price: 45 $

The Dubai Miracle Garden is the biggest garden in the world. It is situated in Dubailand and has an area of 72000 square meters. The Miracle garden has a unique flowers collection. There are 45 miln flowers which have 60 different colours. Most of the flowers are petunia, geranium, marigold, lobelia, coleus and many other ornamental plants. The grassy plots with flowers amaze with verity of colours  and  fancifulness of shapes such as hearts, stars, pyramids and others. One of the picularities of the garden is the sheik Zayed portrait made of naturals flowers surrounded by seven huge hearts which is symbolized seven Emirates and also 10 meter high flower pyramid and a high wall made of flowers which is 800 meters long. This wall can be got to the Gunness Book of Records.

P.S. The Miracle Garden doesn’t work in hot summer season. 

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